by Bari Lyman | May 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
If you are ready to make this your summer to find the one . . . reserve your spot for a very special, educational webinar you won’t want to miss.
by Bari Lyman | Jan 1, 2013 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
As we said goodbye to 2012 Miami Beach style with a quiet belated birthday dinner with close friends and great fireworks on the beach, I couldn’t help but feel super motivated and excited about what’s possible for us to invent in 2013. After 10 days of creative,...
by Bari Lyman | Apr 20, 2012 | Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
The phrase “He’s just not that into you” was made famous by the hit series and movie Sex and the City. The confusion and anticipation that comes with the “will he/she call me?” can be avoided when you end dates with communication and clarity. To avoid the...
by Bari Lyman | Apr 2, 2012 | Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
In our last post, we discussed living your life with intentionality while dating. Instead of hoping things will work out, winners live life to achieve their goals. Here are some simple tools you can begin to use now to achieve your dream life and find your future...
by Bari Lyman | Mar 20, 2012 | Commentary, Uncategorized
A recent USA Today article analyzed the findings of the second annual “Singles in America” poll. According to researchers, “46.8% of singles are not actively looking for a relationship but say that if they met the right person they would consider...
by Bari Lyman | Mar 19, 2012 | News & Events, Uncategorized
Welcome to the Meet to Marry™ blog! I’m back from a blogging hiatus after months of creative focus and I have quite a lot to share with you! It was a period of concentrated effort on dozens of projects and working with the many people involved in building and living...