As we said goodbye to 2012 Miami Beach style with a quiet belated birthday dinner with close friends and great fireworks on the beach, I couldn’t help but feel super motivated and excited about what’s possible for us to invent in 2013.

After 10 days of creative, relaxing, and wonderfully unstructured vacation time, I’m ready to make big things happen. I am inspired in knowing that I have the power to make anything happen in my life as long as I’m willing to leave my comfort zone and stretch.

What do you want for yourself this year?

Do you want to be married to someone who understands you and wants to build a life together?

Do you want to wake up feeling content and loved by the person you’ve always dreamed of?

That is totally possible for you!

The best part of having a new beginning is you get to start the year with a blank slate.  Had a few “bad” relationships or dates last year?  Now start the year fresh!! Reboot yourself, your dating patterns and your life. Say good-bye to the past and see yourself as new.

The first step in rebooting yourself is realizing that the “bad” dates weren’t “bad”, they were simply lessons and part of your unique journey.  So shift your view, close doors, and move on to create the life you want for yourself.

Begin this year with a blank slate by getting “complete” with last year.

Get complete by acknowledging the things that worked and the things that didn’t, what you accomplished and where you fell short. Then declare 2012 complete and just let it go knowing that you did the best you could.

Woo hoo!! That is freeing…. and feels so great!

Next, set your love and life goals for 2013 and create a plan to make it happen.

Creating goals, reviewing them daily and being in action consistently will keep you motivated.  After all, goals are nothing but dreams with a deadline, right?  I’m an “idea” person with a big vision, and I can tell you that without structure and discipline my ideas would have never been implemented.

My goals (in part) for next year are to make a bigger difference in the world by writing posts consistently, to complete my next book, to create amazingly creative videos, to hone my public speaking skills, to speak in 10 States, in Israel and Europe.  To make my husband Michael feel even more loved and understood and to be a supportive force for his creativity, to work with ease by doing yoga and pilates 4 times per week, to take frequent breaks, drink more water, and take walks on the beach with Michael and Sammy.  To increase compassion in the world by supporting the JSPCA, Farm Sanctuary and various animal rescue groups and doing fund raisers for organizations making a difference for people and animals.

If ideas remain only in my mind, I feel frustrated and upset that I’m not making any difference and without the structure, they can easily go out of existence.

If you want your life to be different in 2013 then the time to create that new life is NOW.

In summary:

  • “Get complete” with 2012
  • Create your love & life goals for 2013
  • Live in gratitude

Know that what you want is possible. Have unshakable faith and make a commitment to yourself that you can change and grow, you can see things differently and that each new day and new year brings new opportunities for love.

I assure you that that you CAN wake up next New Years Day snuggling with your true love you found in 2013, and right now is the time to make it happen.

Wishing you joy, peace of mind, and extraordinary love.

I’d love to hear from you.  Please share your goals and comments below.