9 Seth Godin-inspired Marriage Tips

Imagine spending a day “live and in person” with an author whose work has had a major impact on you. This week, I had the privilege of spending the day with Seth Godin and 12 other amazing entrepreneurs at Seth’s home in Hastings on the Hudson to glean personal...
Does Chemistry Really Matter?

Does Chemistry Really Matter?

Attraction: It can happen in a glance. Relationships need fire, but a strong relationship can’t thrive on chemical attraction alone. A palpitating heart may feel good, but true chemistry comes over time, not in one rush. Attraction is important in finding your match;...

A Response to Single, Jewish and Cynical

In “Single, Jewish and Cynical, Reflections of a Jewish Single,” Chaim Lazarus expresses the defeated tone of many singles, and I’d like to offer a message of inspiration and hope to singles of all religions. While Chaim’s message offers positive suggestions, reading...