Imagine spending a day “live and in person” with an author whose work has had a major impact on you. This week, I had the privilege of spending the day with Seth Godin and 12 other amazing entrepreneurs at Seth’s home in Hastings on the Hudson to glean personal coaching from the marketing guru himself. It was exciting!
What all of us, at various stages of building companies, had in common was a commitment to make a difference with as many people as possible. Over the course of those seven hours, time stopped; not a single cell phone rang.
Seth’s work has not only inspired me, but he’s also a shining of example of partnership in marriage. It’s obvious how much he loves and admires his wife; he’s built a wonderful life of sharing and family.
The coaching Seth provided (in response to our most pressing questions), and so much of his wisdom, mirrors the concepts I share at Meet to Marry™. This includes the idea of having a coach to help you reach your potential, leaving your comfort zone to achieve your dreams and challenging fear with empowering conversations.
Here are the top things I learned from Seth that are also important in finding meaningful love and partnership to last a lifetime:
1. Blog (date) at your own frequency. Be certain that you are expressing yourself and sharing your (marriage) vision and your message consistently. You are unique, so do what works best for you to find the one(s) that would be open to your message.
2. Share your own story, not someone else’s (when dating), and it will resonate with the right ones.
3. Define your tribe (ideal spouse) so you know where to find them (him/her).
4. Building a company (or a marriage) worth having requires nurturing it every day.
5. Analyze the lifetime value (preciousness) of a customer (or your spouse) and delight them for a lifetime.
6. A successful business, website (and marriage) requires “beginning with the end in mind” by doing the following:
- Imagine the project complete. (Visualize your married life.)
- Design it all on paper first. (Assess your own marriage readiness.
- Find a designer to lay it all out using Photoshop. (Articulate your marriage vision.)
- Now you are ready to hire a programmer. (Make dating with clarity a priority and find the one.)If the cost of acquiring a new customer (or dating the wrong people) is too high, rethink your model (or mode of dating) to one that will yield outstanding results.
7. If the cost of acquiring a new customer (or dating the wrong people) is too high, rethink your model (or mode of dating) to one that will yield outstanding results.
8. In this new era, there is no limit to the number people you can reach (and date) until you find the right one(s).
9. People will connect with you for who you are and for your generosity of spirit (when dating for marriage).
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