by Bari Lyman | Dec 2, 2011 | Commentary, Uncategorized
Making statements like red-headed women “shouldn’t be talking let alone getting a date” and yelling at clients to do things her way, Patti Stanger has no trouble stirring up controversy to fuel her fifth season of the Bravo show “Millionaire Matchmaker.” But Patti is...
by Bari Lyman | Nov 29, 2011 | Commentary, Uncategorized
When it comes to dating, women waste no time putting the blame on men in their relationships—or lack thereof. It’s men that don’t show an interest, men that are only looking for sex and men that avoid making a commitment of any kind—especially marriage. But are men...
by Bari Lyman | Nov 23, 2011 | Meet to Marry Principles, Uncategorized
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to dig up those old family recipes that have been tucked away in the corner of your kitchen all year, but consider whipping up something new this year: a happy marriage. While a recipe for marital success isn’t as easy to follow as...
by Bari Lyman | Nov 21, 2011 | Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
It’s your Sex-in-the-City-style brunch the morning after a date, and you’re pouring out the details faster than the mimosas. Your date was handsome, funny and cute and everything seemed to go smoothly, but at the end of the night he simply said, “I’ll keep in touch.”...
by Bari Lyman | Nov 17, 2011 | Success Stories, Uncategorized
Somewhere between the politics page and last night’s sports scores exists the commitments section of every newspaper. Inspired by compelling stories of love, we are reminded time and time again of the joy and meaningful connections that are found in...