by Bari Lyman | Aug 17, 2013 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
“The women I meet are so shallow and don’t get me.” “Why are the men I meet so narcissistic and self absorbed?” “The women I’m interested in aren’t interested in me.” “The men I’m not interested in pursue me and the ones I’m...
by Bari Lyman | Aug 10, 2013 | Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
Mark’s a 49-year-old real estate investor who’s been dating for decades but has never been married. He meets great women, but as soon as things heat up—as soon as the women start expressing their desire to take things to the next level, he breaks up with them. Then,...
by Bari Lyman | Aug 6, 2013 | Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
As a coach, I’m always telling my clients that when dating to marry they need to seek out someone who inspires you and whose personality you find attractive rather than someone who just shares your interests. My recent sailing adventure with Michael, my dream...
by Bari Lyman | Jul 28, 2013 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
Have you been watching Bravo’s Princesses: Long Island? A friend was just telling me about how all the girls on the show want to get married, but they can’t quite seem to find their perfect match. Casey—one of the more mature young women on the show—is...
by Bari Lyman | Jul 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
At first glance, the Meet to Marry™ method sounds like it’s just designed to help you meet your perfect match, but it’s more than that. It’s about seeing yourself for who you truly are and recognizing what makes you special and unique. At first, you...