by Bari Lyman | Jun 1, 2011 | News & Events, Uncategorized
If you haven’t already read Aventura Magazine’s February edition, you’ll want to! Author John Buchanan consulted me, along with a handful of other relationship experts, for the article “The Mating Games 2011.” It provides an examination of modern approaches to...
by Bari Lyman | May 27, 2011 | Meet to Marry Principles, Uncategorized
Dating for marriage requires a different approach than regular dating, and, best of all, it empowers you to find your own happiness. At Meet to Marry™, we believe the process of finding your soul mate is best understood with a three-phase approach: 1. Be the...
by Bari Lyman | May 25, 2011 | Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
Marriage readiness is something that’s often missing in modern dating, but it’s something that singles can deliberately work on. A key element of marriage readiness is self-awareness. By understanding yourself and your top emotional needs, you’ll be so much better...