by Bari Lyman | Sep 29, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories
When the Shoe Doesn’t Fit: A True Story Alexa was dating Mitch. Over 7 months, she grew to love this kind, caring, Christian man. She made room in her life for him. Made room in her heart for him. Made room in her family for him–introducing him to her daughter....
by Bari Lyman | Jul 28, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories, Tips & Tools
Two weeks ago, during “Your Burning Dating and Relationship Questions Answered,” a participant shared her story: “I’m dating this guy long distance. When we talk on the phone, and I ask him questions that he might answer with some detail, he...
by Bari Lyman | Jul 9, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories, Tips & Tools
An old one: 3 middle-aged women are having coffee one morning. Naturally, their talk turns to their children and grandchildren. Each tries to one-up the others. The first woman says, “My son loves me so much. You know what he did? He sent me on a cruise last winter!”...
by Bari Lyman | Jun 7, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories, Tips & Tools
What if you told the truth…. What if you refused to hide your true self…. What if you shared who you are–clearly, powerfully, at the right time…. This is what empowered dating looks like. Recently, Naomi, a former Meet to Marry™ coaching client who has since...
by Bari Lyman | Apr 27, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories, Tips & Tools
As a coach, I work with more women than men (but that many more). Maybe it’s because women feel more pressure to get married. Maybe it’s because women are more willing to delve into matters of the heart. Or maybe it’s just because I’m a woman myself. Whatever the...
by Bari Lyman | Apr 20, 2017 | Success Stories, Tips & Tools
Just the other day, someone shared that she purchased a paid membership on a dating site. She’s “not sure about the caliber of people on this particular site, but it probably beats the caliber on another site I was on.” When I hear this I cringe. Why? When people...