by Bari Lyman | Jun 30, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools
Listen, I know how hard holidays can be when you’re single. I’ve been there. It seems like everyone else has someone to be with for the long weekend. It seems like all your friends can do that bike ride, party, or cabin rental with their partners! Listen, I know how...
by Bari Lyman | Jun 18, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools
In honor of Father’s Day, can we please redefine the term “man up?” Old definition: Be tough. Don’t cry. Mask your vulnerability. Act aggressively. Sigh. It’s expectations like this that can keep men–and women–from living the rich, honest, love-filled...
by Bari Lyman | Jun 7, 2017 | Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories, Tips & Tools
What if you told the truth…. What if you refused to hide your true self…. What if you shared who you are–clearly, powerfully, at the right time…. This is what empowered dating looks like. Recently, Naomi, a former Meet to Marry™ coaching client who has since...
by Bari Lyman | Jun 2, 2017 | Commentary, Tips & Tools
In this week’s vlog, I answer a reader’s question about dating apps: Are swipe sites at all useful? If you’re looking for a real relationship, are they even worth your time?
by Bari Lyman | May 27, 2017 | Commentary, Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools
If you’re like most of us, you’re probably not truly aware of the baggage you’re carrying around with you. Regret and sadness about relationships that didn’t work can drag you down, clog you up energetically, and prevent you from allowing new love into your life. It...