by Bari Lyman | Jun 10, 2016 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match… Do you ever wish you had a little help finding love? While you can use dating sites, many singles wonder if they could save time and energy and just outsource the process. Ahh…wouldn’t it be nice if you could just order...
by Bari Lyman | Jun 3, 2016 | Meet to Marry Principles, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
Do you ever feel like there’s just no one worth dating where you live? Or that all of the good ones are taken? That dating sites are just kind of. . .blah? Maybe you’re feeling resigned, and starting to just accept that there are no options…thinking maybe love isn’t...
by Bari Lyman | May 27, 2016 | Commentary, Meet to Marry Principles, Success Stories, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
I’m excited to be on a plane with Michael right now heading to Israel for the wedding of a client—well, former client, Jessica. I’m so happy for Jessica because she achieved her goal of finding her perfect match, and I’m proud of her for being willing to do what it...
by Bari Lyman | May 20, 2016 | Commentary, News & Events, Uncategorized
Dear Bari, I’m feeling a bit depressed. I was emailing with a bunch of guys that I thought were interesting but they turned out to be duds on the phone. In fact, a few of them flaked before we even got a chance to talk! I know it just takes time and patience, but I’m...
by Bari Lyman | May 14, 2016 | Success Stories, Tips & Tools, Uncategorized
Pamela was clear that she wanted to marry a Jewish man, but the Jewish community where she lives in Bogota, Colombia was small, and she complained that the men she’d met online from the US just didn’t take her seriously as a dating option. Which raises the question:...