One of my favorite movies of all time is Moonstruck.

♫ “When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.” ♫

Cher plays Loretta who is afraid to get married because she has “bad luck.”

Her first husband got hit by a car and died so that means she has “bad luck.”

Her pop tells her not to marry Johnny Camerarie because she’s got “bad luck.”

“Your mother and I are married 52 years, no one died. You’re married for two years, he dies. Don’t get married Loretta, you got bad luck.”

SPOILER ALERT: Cher stops blaming bad luck, takes her power back and finds the real love of her life.

(And we’re all so relieved that it wasn’t Johnny Camerarie because he’s a real schmuck.)

And while some of the movie is about a “makeover” the real “makeover” was in Loretta’s thinking. She took her power back.

Loretta lived with her parents and was willing to settle on a safe loveless marriage rather than going for the brass ring of true love until she met Johnny’s brother who truly saw her.

Then she shifted.

She went on a forbidden date against all her beliefs and her family beliefs about her.

Winners create their own luck by doing something different.

By bravely taking that first step to do something different.

Are you ready for your Loretta moment?

Let’s talk about how you can shift your thinking, make a real plan and meet the man or woman of your dreams.

That’s amore!

P.S. When you stop blaming “bad luck” the world opens up to all new possibilities instantly. Call me today for a free consultation on how you can begin your “Loretta” moment