The word about Meet to Marry™ is spreading quickly! I was recently featured on San Diego’s Fox 5 News, where I discussed my new book, what it means to be marriage ready and the importance of living in reality.

Understanding what it means to live in reality is essential for the success of every relationship. It’s easy to get caught up in false expectations you create from your life experiences and, because of this, your perception of who you are is often warped.

When this happens, you become blocked with fear, and this fear is what prevents you from pursuing new relationships.

Breaking the cycle of fear isn’t always easy, but it is necessary if you want to experience a breakthrough in your relationships. It’s important to remember that feelings aren’t facts and to know yourself, you need to first know the facts.

So, what are the facts?

  • Each and every one of us is capable of finding meaningful, lasting love.
  • There is no rulebook or set of expectations you need to live by except your own.
  • You can find the love you’ve been looking for by freeing yourself of fear and false identities—by living in reality.

Whether you are single, married or still searching for “the One,” know who you are and what you want. Identify what it is that holds you back so that you can break the cycle of fear and enjoy a life filled with love and happiness.