Meet to Marry: A Dating Revelation for the Marriage-Minded

When her love life began to resemble the movie Groundhog Day, author Bari Lyman asked herself, ‘Why do I always attract the wrong ones?’

While the answer took years of research, her eventual epiphany transformed her approach to dating―and in short order, Bari met and married the man of her dreams. Scores of hopeful singles have used her three-step approach―Assess, Attract, and Act―to change their mind-set and remove blind spots to find the perfect relationship match.

Meet to Marry Editorial Reviews

“Meet to Marry correctly identifies what we need to be looking for in a relationship. Smart, principled and engaging, this book works!

Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 3rd Alternative

Review 1

“The book Meet to Marry – A Dating Revelation for the Marriage Minded reads like a part guide/part self-help book. Written by the self-proclaimed dating for marriage evangelist Bari Lyman, Meet to Marry is a truthful journey to self-discovery that forces individuals in single town to take a deeper look at themselves. Lyman draws from a lot from her own experiences and uses her expertise to help individuals seeking find there beautiful and lasting life-mate.

Using the three step program of Assess, Attract and Act, Bari Lyman breaks down the process of being happily married by not looking on the outside but rather fixing the inside. I am happily married and have been for the past three years but I do see the value and truths in this guide, compatibility and longevity has to be based on more than just the physical attraction. Without giving away too much, I would say that this book is full of truths about the journey to lasting I Do’s instead of the regular fluff that seems to be out there in “snag a man land”. I would definitely recommend this book to all the lasting marriage seekers”


Review 2

“What a novel concept: ‘Be the One to Find the One!’ Bari Lyman has written an instructional guide to help us non-married folks to overcome our flaws which are holding us back from being the one person someone else would just love to fall in love with. Her writing style is engaging and I felt as though my best friend and I were sitting at the kitchen table talking over my flaws.

A few of her statements resounded with me as they were mottoes for my life such as ‘What you think (both consciously and unconsciously) is the primary determining factor in what and who shows up for you.’ Wow! So if I think positive thoughts and project a happy image then I will attract a happy, positive person; however if I am critical, evasive, unkind, or cynical or ______ (you can fill in that blank) then like a mirror that is what I will attract. See, I learned something from this book! *cheeky grin*”


Review 3

“. . . This book literally completely changed the way I viewed dating and myself as an individual. My disclaimer is that if you’re not ready from your core for marriage, this book is not for you. Bari is SERIOUS about her strategy, and if you’re not ready it will scare you a little bit. Although, she’s coming from a Jewish standpoint, I find that all of her findings and insights apply to any race or religion and ring true. I was such a skeptic, yet it helped me beyond what I imagined. Revealing to me my blind spots (blockages that hold you back), changing my way of thinking; providing tips that although were tough to read, were necessary, and opened my eyes to what I really want and need from another person that were never fully articulated. The take away: If you want someone who’s emotionally available, you better be emotionally available yourself. If you want someone who is thoughtful, we’ll dammit, you better be that too. Get it? . . . “

–Jennifer Rose on October 19, 2011.

Review 4

“I’ll tell you, trying to review this book on my own was hard as there are singles in this household and I couldn’t keep it to myself for a day. I did finally get my chance to read it and love her techniques for personal growth and more. Even better is her advice on how to be the one to find the one. This book is an all time favorite for the singles in our household and for many years to come! I definitely recommend this book for my single readers.”

–M. Luanani