We’re entering the holiday season, a time of joy, light and festivities.

But it’s not always so joyful when it seems like everyone is paired off and you’re still single. Of course, you’re happy for them, but still it stings. Hearing the yearly “So….what’s new in your love life?” from the many well-intentioned people who care about you only intensifies the sting.

They are worried, and so are you. . . and this can cause you to feel even more frustrated and down about your situation.

These feelings are completely understandable, but. . . .

Negativity isn’t attractive.

Guess what?

Negativity can actually prevent you from finding what you want and need most—someone who “gets you.” It isn’t going to attract the person who’s going to embrace your being and join forces with you to create an amazing life filled with what matters most.

Think about it. Are you attracted to people who are downbeat and cynical? No.

So what can you do?