Many singles tell me they are committed to making the shifts necessary to have love in their life this year. They declare they are so committed that on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most committed, they are a 10 – it’s their most important priority.

But sadly,  not everyone who says they’re fully committed truly is. Maybe they don’t really understand what a commitment is……

Commitment to some is a theory, or an idea, but not something they’re willing to really live in to.

Things get in their way. Time, money, other priorities. . . moving, their job, etc.

They have reasons to postpone their dreams…and they tell themselves “hey, maybe it’s not in the cards for me,”  or “my life as a single really isn’t so bad”, or maybe being single “again” this New Years Eve” is okay.

They tell themselves that at some point in the future, it will be a better time or it will just happen.

When it all boils down to it, their level of commitment really is more like a 2 or 3.

And that is a dream buster!

I shared in last week’s post about Joan, who at 52 met her match and is experiencing healthy love for the first time ever along with others who broke through the mystery and found love that had been so elusive.  

What’s true about them all?

They were committed to their vision. They were truly a 10!

Were they born different?  

Do they have special connections?

Do they live in a certain place that makes dating better?


Each and every one of these success stories share the same 3 qualities that enabled them to blast through whatever had been getting in their way and propel them quickly to a new reality into the arms of their beloved….

What are the qualities of people who exhibit true commitment to finally having that loving and committed relationship they have always dreamed of–.you know the one that you deep down inside “know” is there for you but you are still struggling to bring it into fruition. . .

They are courageous.

People who achieve their dreams and transcend any challenges from the past aren’t “lucky”, no.  Instead, they choose to walk an unfamiliar path–even though it’s uncomfortable and new. They don’t’ give in to fear.  And if they feel fear, they don’t let it stop them.  

On the other side of fear is where your dreams live!  

They are clear about what they want.  

They want true love and a lifetime partnership. They want to create a family or be part of a family.  They want to wake up with their best friend and partner and that why is bigger than any fears they may have.

People who are truly committed have a dream and they are going to make it happen now matter what. They may not know exactly how it’s going to happen, but they are open to the path to love.  Just like with the example of Joan. . .over 50 years old and she tried everything and because she truly didn’t understand and embrace what to do and how to find her healthy beloved, she felt like she wasted half her life and her precious child bearing years.

Commitment means you’re unshakable and nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.  

They get to the root of what’s not working and they solve it.

People who are truly committed will do whatever it takes to figure out what’s standing in the way of achieving their goals and actively take the necessary steps to fix it. Just like Joan finally did. She found the Meet to Marry Make It Happen This Year program and committed to it.  She did what it took.

Maybe you’re in therapy, doing meditation, positive thinking, using matchmakers, but sometimes what you’re doing isn’t working–it’s not getting to the root of the problem so you try something new.  

When it all boils down to it, there are 2 kinds of people. Those who say they want to make something happen and those who actually do it. The latter are successful because they are truly a 10 out of 10 on the commitment scale.

The same is true in love.  Some singles say they want to find love. . . and others are committed to making it happen.

Are you a sayer or a doer?

Are you ready to get down to the nitty gritty, cut through all the fluff and truly make a commitment to finding true love? 

The time to do so is now.  Not tomorrow, or next week or next month. Don’t wait like Joan did…’s closer than you can ever imagine…. Take a step in the right direction by booking a  Breakthrough to Love Session today.