Mark’s a 49-year-old real estate investor who’s been dating for decades but has never been married.

He meets great women, but as soon as things heat up—as soon as the women start expressing their desire to take things to the next level, he breaks up with them.  Then, for a few weeks, he feels really relieved that he’s escaped being controlled or smothered.  But it’s a vicious cycle.  This sense of liberation is followed by despair, so he goes out again, looking for the “right” woman to date.

We’ve only been working together for a few weeks, and he’s just starting to get some clarity about why he’s caught in this terrible cycle.

But his situation and issues are strikingly similar to those my other clients are experiencing, and I have a feeling some of you can also relate.

Do you fear being controlled or smothered by the person you’re dating?  Do you back out whenever things start getting truly intimate in a relationship?  Do you find yourself repressing your loving feelings?

Here are some strategies that can help you.